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Live Stream v. On-demand Yoga Classes: Who Wins?

When it comes to growing your yoga business brand, video is a crucial component, whether you go live or on-demand.

The PLAY button is the most compelling CTA button on your website. It is how most people prefer to consume content and by far the best way to grow your yoga business.

First, let us dive into the key differences between the two:

Both live streaming and on-demand yoga programs offer different types of benefits to your brand. We recommend you experiment with both to find your sweet spot.

While live streaming can be a great starting point as it allows the opportunity to interact with your students and get feedback, on-demand could deliver a pool of customers seeking convenience and flexibility.

The main question is how and when to leverage these options in the right proportion to help your yoga business grow and flourish.

A recent study suggested, “Live streaming averages twice (2x) as long viewing time than those watching on-demand.

This is simply because:

  1. Live streaming offers a live engagement experience which is missing on ondemand. Now more than ever, people are craving for human interaction.

  2. Live streaming is the next best thing to in-person classes. What is your take as a yoga instructor?

  3. Live yoga classes conducted for groups offer a sense of community and belonging than simply watching and practicing yoga on your own by watching on demand programs.

The pandemic has altered some human behaviors forever and made live online experiences a part of our ‘new normal’.

So, both the formats have their own set of pros and cons and ultimately it boils down to your comfort and your student’s preferences.

The only source of knowledge is experience. Experience is the best teacher and the worst experiences teach the best lessons. So. go out there, be fearless and feisty, fill your yoga career with experiences to share, stories to tell and successes to show!

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